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Helping to make your life a little more sustainable one step at a time



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11 Easy Plastic Free Swaps

Just getting started on your sustainability journey? Start here! Read through some of my favorite plastic-free swaps for beginners, see which ones you feel most comfortable starting with, and go from there. Remember to take it day by day and that all the small changes really do add up and make a difference.


It’s Courtney

Your sustainability journey should be fun and exciting! But oftentimes it can become stressful and overwhelming. The eco-anxiety and guilt is real. Trust me, I’ve been there. That’s why I want to help make this journey fun for you! From sharing my favorite conscious products and low waste DIYs to reminding you that you are making a difference, I’m here to be your sustainability buddy every step of the way.

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I love collaborating with conscious businesses on a mission to make a change in the world. If that’s you, let’s chat and see how we can make waves of change together!