Upcycled DIY CORK heart


My love of wine and crafting makes a great combo. I love upcycling wine corks into fun decorations! Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, I wanted to make a cork heart. I was very happy with how it turned out and think I’ll leave it up as decor year-round. So whether you’re looking for a Valentine’s Day DIY or a fun decoration that shows your love for wine, this blog is for you! I’ll walk you through step by step how I made this cork heart.

Supplies needed:

  • 27-28 wine corks

  • Hot glue gun

  • Scrap paper or cardboard

  • Scissors

  • Pen

Start by taking your piece of scrap paper and drawing a heart on it. The size of the heart you draw with be about the size of the final cork heart. I found that it’s very challenging to do a small heart so I’d recommend a medium size like what is pictured below. Once you’ve traced the heart, grab your scissors and cut it out. 

Now that you have your cutout, take your corks and start outlining the heart. You should use about 28 corks but this can vary based upon the size of the corks. One heart I made with 28 and the other I made with 27 so keep that in mind that there might be a slight variation. I like to lay it out with about 6 corks on each side that is the straighter part of the heart. Then use 8 corks on each side for the curved part.

Once you have your corks lined up, we can start gluing them together! I find it the easiest to start by gluing the straighter 6 cork section. Around cork 3 or 4 I like to make a slight curve out with the cork. After you put the glue on one cork and glue it onto the other cork, you can roll out the cork a bit to give it a slight curve. There is a little bit of trial and error with this part but right after you place the glue it’s still easy to move around so play around with it! 

Once I have both of the straighter sides of the heart done, it’s time to move into the curved part. This part is a little more tricky and where the heart cutout is super helpful. I like to look at where the corks at the curve are touching and try to do my best to put the glue as close to that area as possible! Again, the glue is still able to move a bit right after you glue the corks together. So I like to keep one cork on the heart cutout guide, grab the other cork to put some glue on it, and bring the cork with glue to the other cork on the cutout so I can place the glue in the right spot to give it that curve. 

Keep doing this for the curved part of both sides of the heart. Once you have your two halves of a heart, it’s time to glue them together! I found it’s easiest to start by gluing the connecting corks at the top of the heart then finish it off by gluing the bottom of the heart together. 

Once you glued the heart shut, lay it flat to let it dry and fully set. You may need to hold the glue at the top and bottom of the heart for a few seconds to make sure it stays in place. Once it’s dried you’re all done! You can stand up your heart on one of the straight sides and enjoy your beautiful upcycled cork decoration!


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